Needak Rebounder Trampoline - Fitness Mini-Trampoline Needak Rebounder Trampoline - Fitness Mini-Trampoline
Needak UK Rebounders - Made in USA, Lowest Price Guaranteed

Warranty & Repair

Replacement Parts
While under warranty, you will receive replacement parts still covered free of charge. Outside of the warranty, or if you wish to keep spares, most of the parts you need to keep your rebounder optimally functional can be found by contacting us.

If well maintained, your Needak rebounder will last for a large number of years (4+) without the need of any repair or replacement parts.

Rebounder Registration
We recommend all new customers register their rebounder with Needak once they receive their order. This is so that your serial number is attached to your name, e-mail and address and ensures that if a warranty issue should occur, you will be covered quickly and painlessly. You may register through our contact page.

Warranty Redemption Process
If any component of your rebounder should fail or break within its warranty period, you are fully covered for a replacement of that component. To redeem your coverage, you must have your rebounder registered with Needak or have your serial number handy. Once ready, contact us with your information. From there, we will jointly work out whether your rebounder needs to be sent in for service or if parts can be shipped out to you. Rebounders almost never need to be sent in for repair as most of the components are personally serviceable.

Repair and Installation Guides
Once you are ready to perform maintenance on your rebounder, visit our repair and installation guides section to quickly reference what steps are required to do what you want to do.
This website is owned and operated by an Authorized Retailer of Needak® rebounders. Needak® Manufacturing shares no ownership interest in this website and has no responsibility or control over content, opinions, or healthcare advice presented or any financial or personal data collected through this website. Needak® is a registered Trademark of Needak® Manufacturing, LLC O'Neill, NE USA.
Copyright © 2024 Needak UK. All rights reserved. Made in USA Mini-Trampoline Rebounder Sale
Needak UK is the Exclusive Distributor of Needak® Rebounders in the UK
Needak® is a Registered Trademark of Needak Manufacturing LLC